A small and insignificant spark
of some mighty spirit fire
Yet, that spark is me....
Not this body
frail and gross
But something deeper, perhaps divine...
A Searcher for the Absolute
whatever that may be
And some façades are what i find...
Don't talk to me of G_D or gods
don't speak of evil or daemons
For talk is all i hear...
Neither harp of heaven's glories
nor threaten me with hell
For talk is all i hear...
This spark of Life is all i know
And the rest is all...
this single conscious-ness
this " i "
An Actress all's i've ever been
Tis likely all i'll be
A player on this stage called Life
and doing it for free...
A jester held for ridicule
a fool before the king
a harlequin in motley garbed
i dare to even sing...
Watch me dance and prance for you
laugh with all your might
for you, i act so witless
and make a silly sight...
And suffer i your hoots and jeers
as slowly burns your soul
i hide a sadness in my heart
while watching you turn foul...
For i hurt none and seek to please
with songs and tales of cheer
yet thou drawst sword on high
to fill the hearts with fear...
So look upon me carefully
a mirror bright and cruel
and ask yourself with honest truth...
Who is the greatest fool?
28 March 1986